High Resolution Satellite Imagery

High Resolution Satellite Imagery This image service contains high resolution satellite imagery for selected regions throughout the Yukon. Imagery is 1m pixel resolution, or better. Imagery was supplied by the Government of Yukon, and the Canadian Department of National Defense. All the imagery in this service is licensed. If you have any questions about Yukon government satellite imagery, please contact Geomatics.Help@gov.yk.can. This service is managed by Geomatics Yukon. 2024-03-18 Government of Yukon geomatics.help@gov.yk.ca Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologymapyukonsatelliteimageryhighresolutiongeoeyepleiadesworldviewikonoscompsatquickbirdGovernment information High Resolution Satellite ImageryESRI REST https://mapservices.gov.yk.ca/imagery/rest/services/Satellites/Satellites_HighRes/ImageServer High Resolution Satellite ImageryESRI REST https://mapservices.gov.yk.ca/imagery/rest/services/Satellites/Satellites_HighRes/ImageServer Original metadata (https://open.yukon.ca)HTML https://open.yukon.ca/data/datasets/high-resolution-satellite-imagery

This image service contains high resolution satellite imagery for selected regions throughout the Yukon. Imagery is 1m pixel resolution, or better. Imagery was supplied by the Government of Yukon, and the Canadian Department of National Defense. All the imagery in this service is licensed. If you have any questions about Yukon government satellite imagery, please contact Geomatics.Help@gov.yk.can. This service is managed by Geomatics Yukon.

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Contact Information

Electronic Mail Address: geomatics.help@gov.yk.ca

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