Crude Oil - Exports

Crude Oil - Exports Canada has abundant resources of crude oil, with an estimated remaining ultimate potential of 52.3 106m³ (329 billion barrels) as of December 2017. Of this, oil sands account for 92 per cent. There are two major producing areas in Canada, the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, which includes Alberta, Saskatchewan and parts of British Columbia and Manitoba, and offshore eastern Canada. Oil is also produced in modest volumes in Ontario and the Northwest Territories. Although Canada was the 4th largest producer in the world in 2018, it produces only about five per cent of total daily production, so it does not have a major influence on the world oil prices. In 2018, 96 per cent of Canadian crude exports went to the U.S. The Canada Energy Regulator regulates the export of crude oil. Holders of export authorizations report monthly statistics on export activities. This dataset provides historical export volumes of crude oil (by year and month), and by either type of oil or by destination of export. 2025-02-16 Canada Energy Regulator Economics and Industrycrude oiloillight oilmedium oilheavy oilexportsCERNEB crude-oil-exports-by-destination-annualCSV crude-oil-exports-by-destination-annualCSV crude-oil-exports-by-destination-monthlyCSV crude-oil-exports-by-destination-monthlyCSV crude-oil-exports-by-type-annualCSV crude-oil-exports-by-type-annualCSV crude-oil-exports-by-type-monthlyCSV crude-oil-exports-by-type-monthlyCSV crude-oil-exports-data-dictionaryCSV crude-oil-exports-data-dictionaryCSV

Canada has abundant resources of crude oil, with an estimated remaining ultimate potential of 52.3 106m³ (329 billion barrels) as of December 2017. Of this, oil sands account for 92 per cent. There are two major producing areas in Canada, the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, which includes Alberta, Saskatchewan and parts of British Columbia and Manitoba, and offshore eastern Canada. Oil is also produced in modest volumes in Ontario and the Northwest Territories. Although Canada was the 4th largest producer in the world in 2018, it produces only about five per cent of total daily production, so it does not have a major influence on the world oil prices. In 2018, 96 per cent of Canadian crude exports went to the U.S. The Canada Energy Regulator regulates the export of crude oil. Holders of export authorizations report monthly statistics on export activities. This dataset provides historical export volumes of crude oil (by year and month), and by either type of oil or by destination of export.

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