Manitoba Co-Packer Services Map

Manitoba Co-Packer Services Map Map showing locations of co-packer services in Manitoba. This map shows the locations of co-packer services in Manitoba. A contract manufacturer or co-packer is a company that manufactures and/or packages food for other companies to sell. This list is not inclusive nor an endorsement for services. For more information, visit Manitoba Agriculture. This map uses the feature layer Manitoba Co-Packer Services and forms part of the Manitoba Co-Packer Services App. 2024-07-02 Government of Manitoba AgricultureManitobaProvince of ManitobapublicAgricultureCo-PackersCo-packing servicepermitscertificationsprocessingpackagingGovernment information original metadata (

Map showing locations of co-packer services in Manitoba.

This map shows the locations of co-packer services in Manitoba. A contract manufacturer or co-packer is a company that manufactures and/or packages food for other companies to sell. This list is not inclusive nor an endorsement for services. For more information, visit Manitoba Agriculture. This map uses the feature layer Manitoba Co-Packer Services and forms part of the Manitoba Co-Packer Services App.

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