Projected average change in mean temperature for 2081-2100 based on RCP8.5 (50th percentile)
This map shows the projected average change in mean temperature (°C) for 2081-2100, with respect to the reference period of 1986-2005 for RCP8.5. The median projected change across the ensemble of CMIP5 climate models is shown.
For more maps on projected change, please visit the Canadian Climate Data and Scenarios (CCDS) site:
- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Environment and Climate Change Canada
- Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada
Data and Resources
tas_Amon_rcp85_CanadaANN2080_enspctl50PDFEnglish French dataset PDF
Projected average change in mean temperature for 2081-2100 based on RCP8.5 (50th percentile)ESRI RESTEnglish French web_service ESRI REST
Projected average change in mean temperature for 2081-2100 based on RCP8.5 (50th percentile)WMSEnglish French web_service WMS
Projected average change in mean temperature for 2081-2100 based on RCP8.5 (50th percentile)WMSEnglish French web_service WMS
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