Indian and Inuit Communities and Languages

Indian and Inuit Communities and Languages Contained within the 5th Edition (1978 to 1995) of the National Atlas of Canada is plate with a series of maps. The first map that shows distribution of Indian and Inuit communities; most give status (for example, Indian Reserve), area, name, and linguistic family (eleven major families representing 51 languages). Inset for southwestern British Columbia. Summary charts of Indians by status, and of Indians and Inuit by linguistic family; 1976 data. Two smaller maps: one of native culture areas of Canada, the other showing native language families from the 16th to 18th centuries. 2022-03-14 Natural Resources Canada Society and Cultureaboriginal peoplesindiansinuitlanguage groupslanguages Download English JPG through HTTPJPG Download English PDF through HTTPPDF Download French JPG through HTTPJPG Download French PDF through HTTPPDF

Contained within the 5th Edition (1978 to 1995) of the National Atlas of Canada is plate with a series of maps. The first map that shows distribution of Indian and Inuit communities; most give status (for example, Indian Reserve), area, name, and linguistic family (eleven major families representing 51 languages). Inset for southwestern British Columbia. Summary charts of Indians by status, and of Indians and Inuit by linguistic family; 1976 data. Two smaller maps: one of native culture areas of Canada, the other showing native language families from the 16th to 18th centuries.

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