Results of the Intervention Plan for Drinking Water, Sewer and Road Network Assets (2016-2021)

Results of the Intervention Plan for Drinking Water, Sewer and Road Network Assets (2016-2021) This data set represents the interventions determined by the City of Montreal's Intervention Plan for the period 2016-2021. This planning includes both the infrastructure deficit and the maintenance needs during the period in question. The Intervention Plan is the result of a macroscopic analysis of physical and state data. Moreover, the capacity of the City and its boroughs to carry out is not unlimited; it is often determined by a combination of factors, including the availability of budgets, coordination needs, planning capacity as well as the capacity of the market to carry out this work. Consideration should also be given to the social and economic impacts of infrastructure work. These are all factors that may justify the delay of several interventions to later years. The data are available in the following documents: - The summary table shows the classes of integrated interventions of A, B, C or D for the unified sections. For each section, a recommendation on the work is indicated if necessary. These tables help managers identify priority segments and sections. If the dates of work of the assets in the same street section are different, the section is repeated as many times as there are different dates for the section. - The digital file presents the results of the Intervention Plan per unified section. This unit is the linear geometric element that supports the management data for all the infrastructure segments of the intervention plan. The division of the unified section is usually done at roadway intersections and easement limits. If the dates of work of the assets in the same street section are different, the section is repeated as many times as there are different dates for the section. - The integrated interventions map shows the opportunities for coordinating interventions between the three drinking water, sewage and road networks. For more information on water management in Montreal, consult [the City of Montreal's website] (**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).** 2024-08-14 Government and Municipalities of Québec Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and Technology Results of the 2016-2021 Intervention PlanGEOJSON Original metadata ( Map of integrated interventionsPDF Results of the 2016-2021 Intervention PlanSHP Global table - Intervention planXLS

This data set represents the interventions determined by the City of Montreal's Intervention Plan for the period 2016-2021. This planning includes both the infrastructure deficit and the maintenance needs during the period in question. The Intervention Plan is the result of a macroscopic analysis of physical and state data. Moreover, the capacity of the City and its boroughs to carry out is not unlimited; it is often determined by a combination of factors, including the availability of budgets, coordination needs, planning capacity as well as the capacity of the market to carry out this work. Consideration should also be given to the social and economic impacts of infrastructure work. These are all factors that may justify the delay of several interventions to later years. The data are available in the following documents: - The summary table shows the classes of integrated interventions of A, B, C or D for the unified sections. For each section, a recommendation on the work is indicated if necessary. These tables help managers identify priority segments and sections. If the dates of work of the assets in the same street section are different, the section is repeated as many times as there are different dates for the section. - The digital file presents the results of the Intervention Plan per unified section. This unit is the linear geometric element that supports the management data for all the infrastructure segments of the intervention plan. The division of the unified section is usually done at roadway intersections and easement limits. If the dates of work of the assets in the same street section are different, the section is repeated as many times as there are different dates for the section. - The integrated interventions map shows the opportunities for coordinating interventions between the three drinking water, sewage and road networks. For more information on water management in Montreal, consult [the City of Montreal's website] ( third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).

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