Alberta Biomonitoring Program: Chemicals in Serum of Pregnant Women and Children in Alberta

Alberta Biomonitoring Program: Chemicals in Serum of Pregnant Women and Children in Alberta Biomonitoring provides a measure of internal doses of environmental chemicals or agents and allows for a more accurate measure of human health risk from these chemical exposures. Information presented in these Alberta Biomonitoring Program datasets were collected as part of two province-wide biomonitoring studies investigating the serum concentrations of a variety of environmental chemicals (both natural and synthetic) in pregnant women in northern, central, and southern Alberta (Phase 1) and in children in southern Alberta (Phase 2). The goals of the Alberta Biomonitoring Program are to create a benchmark against which to track future exposures, to provide a starting point for assessing health risks, to indicate possible exposure sources and to prioritize research efforts. Chemicals targeted for monitoring in this program were selected using expert guidance and reviewing similar studies conducted by other agencies. Each column represents a single chemical that was included for analysis in the study. Each row provides a mean concentration and standard error of measurement for the replicate pools in that Age + Region category. For more information please consult the Alberta Health reports (Phase 1: ; Phase 2: 2024-07-24 Government of Alberta Health and SafetyNature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyBiomonitoringBloodChemicalsChildrenHealthMaternalMetalsPregnant womenSerumenvironmental healthenvironmental public health Alberta Biomonitoring Phase 1 and 2 Column DescriptionsXLSX Alberta Biomonitoring Phase 2 - Serum of Children DataXLSX Alberta Biomonitoring Phase 1 - Serum of Pregnant Women DataXLSX Original metadata (

Biomonitoring provides a measure of internal doses of environmental chemicals or agents and allows for a more accurate measure of human health risk from these chemical exposures. Information presented in these Alberta Biomonitoring Program datasets were collected as part of two province-wide biomonitoring studies investigating the serum concentrations of a variety of environmental chemicals (both natural and synthetic) in pregnant women in northern, central, and southern Alberta (Phase 1) and in children in southern Alberta (Phase 2). The goals of the Alberta Biomonitoring Program are to create a benchmark against which to track future exposures, to provide a starting point for assessing health risks, to indicate possible exposure sources and to prioritize research efforts. Chemicals targeted for monitoring in this program were selected using expert guidance and reviewing similar studies conducted by other agencies. Each column represents a single chemical that was included for analysis in the study. Each row provides a mean concentration and standard error of measurement for the replicate pools in that Age + Region category. For more information please consult the Alberta Health reports (Phase 1: ; Phase 2:

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