This dataset compiles daily snapshots of publicly reported data on 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing in Ontario. Learn how the Government of Ontario is helping to keep Ontarians safe during the 2019 Novel Coronavirus outbreak. Data includes: * reporting date * reporting Public Health Unit (PHU) * case outcomes (active, resolutions and deaths) The last update of this file will occur on Thursday December 1, 2022. For more information about COVID-19 cases and deaths by public health unit, please consult the Public Health Ontario COVID-19 data tool The methodology used to count COVID-19 deaths has changed to exclude deaths not caused by COVID. This impacts data captured in the columns “RESOLVED_CASES” and “DEATHS” starting with the file posted on March 11, 2022. Two new columns have been added to the file “ARCHIVED_RESOLVED_CASES” and “ARCHIVED_DEATHS” which represent the data that were posted publicly prior to the methodological change. This dataset is subject to change. Please review the daily epidemiologic summaries for information on variables, methodology, and technical considerations.
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- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Government of Ontario
- Licence: Open Government Licence – Ontario
Data and Resources
Status of COVID-19 cases in Ontario by Public Health Unit (PHU)CSVEnglish dataset CSV