Register of companies not eligible for public contracts (RENA)

Register of companies not eligible for public contracts (RENA) The Register of Businesses Ineligible for Public Contracts (RENA) records the names of businesses that have committed an offence under Schedule 1 of the Act respecting contracts by public bodies (L.R.Q., chapter C-65.1) (LCOP). In addition, the LCOP provides for the registration of companies with RENA that have been refused or revoked by the Autorité des Marches Publics an authorization to conclude public contracts or public subcontracts. Thus, as soon as it is registered in the register, a company will not be able to be awarded a public contract or a public subcontract or continue such a contract in progress. In exceptional circumstances, the Conseil du Trésor or, in the case of municipalities, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Land Occupancy may authorize an enterprise registered with RENA to obtain a public contract or subcontract if this is in the public interest. Purpose: The RENA is one of the measures adopted by the Government of Quebec to ensure the integrity of companies doing or wanting to do business with the State. These measures are included in the Anti-Corruption Act (Bill No. 15), the Act to Prevent, Combat and Punish Certain Fraudulent Practices in the Construction Industry and other amendments to the Building Act (Bill No. 35), and the Act on Integrity in Public Contracts (Bill No. 35) and the Integrity in Public Contracts Act (Bill No. 1). 2024-04-03 Government and Municipalities of Québec Government and Politics Register of businesses not eligible for public contractsXML Register of businesses not eligible for public contractsXLS Register of businesses not eligible for public contractsJSON Original metadata (

The Register of Businesses Ineligible for Public Contracts (RENA) records the names of businesses that have committed an offence under Schedule 1 of the Act respecting contracts by public bodies (L.R.Q., chapter C-65.1) (LCOP). In addition, the LCOP provides for the registration of companies with RENA that have been refused or revoked by the Autorité des Marches Publics an authorization to conclude public contracts or public subcontracts. Thus, as soon as it is registered in the register, a company will not be able to be awarded a public contract or a public subcontract or continue such a contract in progress. In exceptional circumstances, the Conseil du Trésor or, in the case of municipalities, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Land Occupancy may authorize an enterprise registered with RENA to obtain a public contract or subcontract if this is in the public interest. Purpose: The RENA is one of the measures adopted by the Government of Quebec to ensure the integrity of companies doing or wanting to do business with the State. These measures are included in the Anti-Corruption Act (Bill No. 15), the Act to Prevent, Combat and Punish Certain Fraudulent Practices in the Construction Industry and other amendments to the Building Act (Bill No. 35), and the Act on Integrity in Public Contracts (Bill No. 35) and the Integrity in Public Contracts Act (Bill No. 1).

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