Regina Indoor Air Quality Study (2007): Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Data Summary

Regina Indoor Air Quality Study (2007): Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Data Summary As part of a residential indoor air quality study, Health Canada and Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region collected 24-hour and 5-day indoor and outdoor exposure samples for 194 polar and non-polar volatile organic compounds (VOCs). For the Regina Indoor Air Quality Study, a total of 146 homes in Regina, Saskatchewan participated in one or both of two 10-week sampling sessions in the winter and summer of 2007. This data presents summary 24-hour and 5-day VOC statistics obtained from the study and is intended to provide relevant Canadian information on exposure to VOCs found indoors and outdoors. In addition, due to the different VOC signature produced by environmental tobacco smoke, the indoor VOC results are presented separately for homes with and without smokers. 2021-05-31 Health Canada Health and SafetyVolatile organic compoundVOCindoor air qualityindoor VOCoutdoor VOCsmokingair qualityRegina Regina Indoor Air Quality Study (2007): Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Data SummaryXLS Regina Indoor Air Quality Study (2007): Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Data SummaryXLS Regina Indoor Air Quality Study (2007): Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Data SummaryCSV Regina Indoor Air Quality Study (2007): Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Data SummaryCSV

As part of a residential indoor air quality study, Health Canada and Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region collected 24-hour and 5-day indoor and outdoor exposure samples for 194 polar and non-polar volatile organic compounds (VOCs). For the Regina Indoor Air Quality Study, a total of 146 homes in Regina, Saskatchewan participated in one or both of two 10-week sampling sessions in the winter and summer of 2007.

This data presents summary 24-hour and 5-day VOC statistics obtained from the study and is intended to provide relevant Canadian information on exposure to VOCs found indoors and outdoors. In addition, due to the different VOC signature produced by environmental tobacco smoke, the indoor VOC results are presented separately for homes with and without smokers.

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