Telegraphs Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta

Telegraphs Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Contained within the 2nd Edition (1915) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the telegraph network for Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. Two or more lines may follow the same route, but only one line is indicated on the map. Therefore, well-settled portions of the country may have two or three telegraph lines serving the principal towns along each route indicated. Most telegraph lines follow alongside railway lines. A table indicates (in miles) the range of two important wireless stations. The map displays the rectangular survey system which records the land that is available to the public. This grid like system is divided into sections, townships, range, and meridian from mid-Manitoba to Alberta. 2022-03-14 Natural Resources Canada Economics and IndustryInformation and Communicationscommunicationscommunications equipmentcommunications industrytelecommunicationstelecommunications networks Download JPG through HTTPJPG Download PDF through HTTPPDF

Contained within the 2nd Edition (1915) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the telegraph network for Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. Two or more lines may follow the same route, but only one line is indicated on the map. Therefore, well-settled portions of the country may have two or three telegraph lines serving the principal towns along each route indicated. Most telegraph lines follow alongside railway lines. A table indicates (in miles) the range of two important wireless stations. The map displays the rectangular survey system which records the land that is available to the public. This grid like system is divided into sections, townships, range, and meridian from mid-Manitoba to Alberta.

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