Remissions of Taxes, fees, Penalties and Other Debts as per the Public Accounts of Canada

Remissions of Taxes, fees, Penalties and Other Debts as per the Public Accounts of Canada At the end of each fiscal year, the receiver general of Canada publishes financial information in the Public Accounts. This dataset presents details of taxes, fees, penalties and other debts by the ministry. 2023-10-27 Public Services and Procurement Canada Government and PoliticsReceiver GeneralGovernment of CanadaPublic AccountsVolume IIIRemissions of TaxesfeesPenalties and Other Debts 2013-2023 - data fileCSV Data DictionaryXML

At the end of each fiscal year, the receiver general of Canada publishes financial information in the Public Accounts. This dataset presents details of taxes, fees, penalties and other debts by the ministry.

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