Yoho_NP_Freshwater_Amphibian Visual Surveys

Yoho_NP_Freshwater_Amphibian Visual Surveys Yoho National Park samples 28 randomly selected potential amphibian breeding sites (out of possible 66) to determine presence or absence of amphibian species. Each of the 28 sites is visited 3 times every 2 years and all detected species are recorded. 2024-03-21 Parks Canada tony.einfeldt@pc.gc.ca Nature and EnvironmentAmphibiansoccupancybreeding sitesabundancepopulation changeBritish Columbia Freshwater Amphibian Occupancy - YohoCSV https://open.canada.ca/data/dataset/23e44949-fa9f-4547-a01d-939a8255348f/resource/ab89eeb4-40a7-42be-bb2e-0a8b06bb92d5/download/yoho_np_freshwater_amphibian_occupancy_2016-2022_data.csv Freshwater Amphibian Occupancy - Yoho - data dictionaryCSV https://open.canada.ca/data/dataset/23e44949-fa9f-4547-a01d-939a8255348f/resource/fadc4463-beb1-4115-92a5-d5b8e28ae5c8/download/yoho_np_freshwater_amphibian_occupancy_2010-2021_data_dictionary.csv

Yoho National Park samples 28 randomly selected potential amphibian breeding sites (out of possible 66) to determine presence or absence of amphibian species. Each of the 28 sites is visited 3 times every 2 years and all detected species are recorded.

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