Proportion of the Official Language Minority Population

Proportion of the Official Language Minority Population Map of the percentage of the official language minority population (according to first official language spoken, adjusted responses) within the total population by economic region. Multiple responses distributed equally among respondents. Data from 2016 Census of Canada, 100% sample. 2021-10-26 Canadian Heritage Society and Culture2016 censuseconomic regionsOLMCofficial languagesfirst official language spokenOfficial languagesLanguage minoritiesPopulationLanguages Proportion of the Official Language Minority PopulationESRI REST Proportion of the Official Language Minority PopulationESRI REST Proportion of the Official Language Minority PopulationWMS Proportion of the Official Language Minority PopulationWMS

Map of the percentage of the official language minority population (according to first official language spoken, adjusted responses) within the total population by economic region. Multiple responses distributed equally among respondents. Data from 2016 Census of Canada, 100% sample.

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