British Columbia Greenhouse Gas Emissions

British Columbia Greenhouse Gas Emissions The Province of British Columbia prepares the [British Columbia Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory]( British Columbia Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions are attributed to five defined sectors following the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In addition, emissions are categorized by Canadian Economic Sectors. This dataset contains the B.C. GHG emissions for different GHG source categories in kilotonnes (kt CO2e) from 1990 to 2020 published in 2022. The list and structure of emission sources is based on the [National GHG Inventory Report (NIR) prepared by Environment Canada]( However, there are some differences between emission levels reported in the B.C. GHG Inventory and the NIR, as B.C. includes some emissions not included in the NIR and recalculates emission totals for several sources. Details can be found in the [British Columbia Greenhouse Gas Provincial Inventory Methodology]( Archived British Columbia Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory data are available [here]( 2024-07-24 Government of British Columbia Nature and EnvironmentGHGPIRafforestationcarbonclimate changeco2deforestationemissionsenergyfuelgreenhouse gasindustrialinventoryprovincialreportreportingstateofenvironmenttransportationwaste bc_ghg_emissions_by_economic_sector_by_gas_1990-2021CSV bc_ghg_emissions_by_ipcc_sector_1990-2021CSV Original metadata ( bc_ghg_emissions_by_economic_sector_1990-2021CSV bc_ghg_emissions_1990-2021_metadataTXT

The Province of British Columbia prepares the British Columbia Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory. British Columbia Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions are attributed to five defined sectors following the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In addition, emissions are categorized by Canadian Economic Sectors. This dataset contains the B.C. GHG emissions for different GHG source categories in kilotonnes (kt CO2e) from 1990 to 2020 published in 2022. The list and structure of emission sources is based on the National GHG Inventory Report (NIR) prepared by Environment Canada. However, there are some differences between emission levels reported in the B.C. GHG Inventory and the NIR, as B.C. includes some emissions not included in the NIR and recalculates emission totals for several sources. Details can be found in the British Columbia Greenhouse Gas Provincial Inventory Methodology. Archived British Columbia Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory data are available here.

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