Bellevue Beach Surface Tows - Capelin

Bellevue Beach Surface Tows - Capelin Five fixed sites at Bellevue Beach inshore area have been sampled with surface plankton tows from 2001-2021. Emergent larvae are sampled from the first to last day of emergence in the summer (July-August), which can result in surface tows being conducted every 24-72 hours for 6-8 weeks. This larval index is an important fishery-independent index used in the capelin stock assessment. See Nakashima and Mowbray (2014) DFO Can Sci Advis Sec Res Doc 2013/091 v+27 p. for details. 2023-07-11 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Science and TechnologycapelinFisheries and Oceans CanadabeachBellevue Bellevue Beach surface tows - CapelinCSV Data DictionaryCSV

Five fixed sites at Bellevue Beach inshore area have been sampled with surface plankton tows from 2001-2021. Emergent larvae are sampled from the first to last day of emergence in the summer (July-August), which can result in surface tows being conducted every 24-72 hours for 6-8 weeks. This larval index is an important fishery-independent index used in the capelin stock assessment. See Nakashima and Mowbray (2014) DFO Can Sci Advis Sec Res Doc 2013/091 v+27 p. for details.

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