Regional Ensemble Storm Surge Prediction System
The Regional Ensemble storm Surge Prediction System (RESPS) produces storm surge forecasts using the DalCoast ocean model. DalCoast (Bernier and Thompson 2015) is a storm surge forecast system for the east coast of Canada based on the depth-integrated, barotropic and linearized form of the Princeton Ocean Model. The model is forced by the 10 meters winds and sea level pressure from the Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS).
- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Environment and Climate Change Canada
- Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada
Data and Resources
MSC DatamartNetCDFEnglish dataset NetCDF
MSC DatamartNetCDFFrench dataset NetCDF
MSC Datamart AMQPNetCDFEnglish dataset NetCDF
MSC Datamart AMQPNetCDFFrench dataset NetCDF
MSC Open Data documentationHTMLEnglish guide HTML
MSC Open Data documentationHTMLFrench guide HTML
Contact Information
Delivery Point: 77 Westmorland Street, suite 260
City: Fredericton
Administrative Area: New Brunswick
Postal Code: E3B 6Z4
Country: Canada
Electronic Mail Address:
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