NCC Tree Canopy 2017

NCC Tree Canopy 2017 Forest Cover Canopy for Capital Region The Tree Canopy Assessment for Canada’s Capital Region is a collaborative project by the National Capital Commission, the City of Gatineau, and the City of Ottawa. The Capital Region’s forest canopy has been mapped to establish a baseline for future comparisons and provide necessary information for follow-up work, including the development of new urban canopy targets, an inventory of “plantable” urban space, and development of a tree planting prioritization tool. It was completed by the University of Vermont Spatial Analysis Laboratory. Tree Canopy Assessment - Canada’s Capital Region - Fall 2019: Main data source: LIDAR 2015 and Aerial photography with leaf August 2017 2024-06-11 National Capital Commission Nature and EnvironmentTreeCanopyForestCoverNational CapitalNCC Tree Canopy Assessment: Canada’s Capital RegionPDF Tree Canopy Assessment: Canada’s Capital RegionPDF Tree Canopy Assessment: Canada’s Capital Region - Interactive mapHTML Tree Canopy Assessment: Canada’s Capital Region - Interactive mapHTML Tree Canopy Assessment: Canada’s Capital Region - Vector Tile serviceESRI REST

Forest Cover Canopy for Capital Region The Tree Canopy Assessment for Canada’s Capital Region is a collaborative project by the National Capital Commission, the City of Gatineau, and the City of Ottawa. The Capital Region’s forest canopy has been mapped to establish a baseline for future comparisons and provide necessary information for follow-up work, including the development of new urban canopy targets, an inventory of “plantable” urban space, and development of a tree planting prioritization tool. It was completed by the University of Vermont Spatial Analysis Laboratory. Tree Canopy Assessment - Canada’s Capital Region - Fall 2019: Main data source: LIDAR 2015 and Aerial photography with leaf August 2017

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