Caribou Sub-Regional Plan Boundaries

Caribou Sub-Regional Plan Boundaries Sub-regional plans are Alberta's approach to supporting caribou recovery through careful land-use planning which recognizes and maintains working landscapes supporting a variety of social, economic and traditional land-use. The Caribou Sub-Regional Plan Boundaries dataset contains boundaries delineating the extent of sub-regional planning areas across northern Alberta. Sub-regional planning areas include those for the approved Bistcho Lake and Cold Lake sub-regional plans, as well as the following upcoming planning areas: Upper Smoky, Wandering River, Berland, Chinchaga, Slave Lake, Wabasca, Richardson, Red Earth, and Caribou Mountains. For more information visit 2024-05-02 Government of Alberta Society and Culture-CANADAALBERTABERLANDBISTCHO-LAKEBOUNDARIESCARIBOUCARIBOU-MOUNTAINSCARIBOU-RECOVERYCARIBOU-SUB-REGIONAL-PLANSCHINCHAGACOLD-LAKEDOWNLOADABLE-DATAENVIRONMENTLAND-USE-PLANNINGRED-EARTHRICHARDSONSENSITIVE-SPECIESSLAVE-LAKESUB-REGIONAL-PLANSUPPER-SMOKYWABASCAWANDERING-RIVERGovernment information Caribou Sub-Regional Plan Boundaries - (HTML)HTML Original metadata ( Caribou Sub-Regional Plan Boundaries - (XML)XML Caribou Sub-regional Plan Boundaries (SHP) (From Alberta Geodiscorver Portal metadata)ZIP

Sub-regional plans are Alberta's approach to supporting caribou recovery through careful land-use planning which recognizes and maintains working landscapes supporting a variety of social, economic and traditional land-use. The Caribou Sub-Regional Plan Boundaries dataset contains boundaries delineating the extent of sub-regional planning areas across northern Alberta. Sub-regional planning areas include those for the approved Bistcho Lake and Cold Lake sub-regional plans, as well as the following upcoming planning areas: Upper Smoky, Wandering River, Berland, Chinchaga, Slave Lake, Wabasca, Richardson, Red Earth, and Caribou Mountains. For more information visit

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