Hazardous Substances and Waste Dangerous Goods Storage Facilities
The Ministry of Environment is responsible for Hazardous Substance and Waste Dangerous Goods Storage in Saskatchewan.
Storing hazardous materials and waste dangerous goods in accordance with the Hazardous Substances and Waste Dangerous Goods Regulations (HSWDG), helps to avoid environmental impacts or risk to human health. To minimize these risks, the regulations ensure storage facilities are constructed, operated and decommissioned properly. The Ministry of Environment must approve the construction, alteration or expansion of a facility to handle hazardous substances or waste dangerous goods. All hazardous substance storage facilities require construction and operating approvals. Owners also require an approval from the Ministry of Environment to dismantle or decommission equipment used to store and handle hazardous substances and waste dangerous goods when they are no longer in use. For further information, please contact the Ministry of Environment Inquiry Centre (Toll Free) at 1-800-567-4224, centre.inquiry@gov.sk.ca or visit the hazardous materials storage page on saskatchewan.ca.
- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Government of Saskatchewan
- Licence: Government of Saskatchewan Standard Unrestricted Use Data License (Version 2.0)
Data and Resources
original metadata (http://geohub.saskatchewan.ca)HTMLEnglish dataset HTML
ArcGIS GeoServiceESRI RESTEnglish web_service ESRI REST
CSVCSVEnglish dataset CSV
Contact Information
Electronic Mail Address: egis@gov.sk.ca