Indigenous Population of Canada (2016)

Indigenous Population of Canada (2016) The Indigenous Populations of Canada map is derived from the CanEcumene 2.0 Geodatabase using custom tabulations of census-based population data. Indigenous communities within the level of the census sub-division (CSD) were identified using a combination of sources from census field data (see Eddy et. al. 2020 for more details). This map shows the percent of Indigenous population in CanEcumene 2.0 communities using graduated symbols, overlaid upon a population density raster. The larger the symbol, the higher the percentage of Indigenous population in that area. The darker the colour in the underlying raster, the denser is the general population. This map illustrates how the majority of Indigenous populations reside in locations outside of the denser populated areas of Canada. 2021-10-29 Natural Resources Canada Nature and EnvironmentSociety and Cultureecumene; populated places; indigenous communities; census; labour force; socio-economic; demographic; ecosystemsSocioeconomic dataDemographic mapsIndigenous peoplesPopulationEcosystemsCensus dataPopulation distributionDemographic data Indigenous Population of Canada (2016)ESRI REST Indigenous Population of Canada (2016)ESRI REST Indigenous Population of Canada (2016) - WMS - ENWMS Indigenous Population of Canada (2016) - WMS - FRWMS Indigenous Population of Canada (2016) Bilingual - FGDB/GDBFGDB/GDB Indigenous Population of Canada (2016) - MXD - ENMXD Indigenous Population of Canada (2016) - MXD - FRMXD

The Indigenous Populations of Canada map is derived from the CanEcumene 2.0 Geodatabase using custom tabulations of census-based population data. Indigenous communities within the level of the census sub-division (CSD) were identified using a combination of sources from census field data (see Eddy et. al. 2020 for more details). This map shows the percent of Indigenous population in CanEcumene 2.0 communities using graduated symbols, overlaid upon a population density raster. The larger the symbol, the higher the percentage of Indigenous population in that area. The darker the colour in the underlying raster, the denser is the general population. This map illustrates how the majority of Indigenous populations reside in locations outside of the denser populated areas of Canada.

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