Forest Non-Native Vegetation - Banff

Forest Non-Native Vegetation - Banff Banff National Park monitors invasive alien plants with the use of permanent, random stratified, transects established in each of the three management zones, in close proximity to vectors of spread (highways, trails, campgrounds, etc.). Percent cover of all detected non-native species is recorded along each transect using the line intercept method. 2024-05-01 Parks Canada Nature and Environmentinvasive alien speciesinvasive plantsplant management zonesforestBanff National Park Forest Non-Native Vegetation - BanffCSV Forest Non-Native Vegetation - Banff - Data DictionaryCSV

Banff National Park monitors invasive alien plants with the use of permanent, random stratified, transects established in each of the three management zones, in close proximity to vectors of spread (highways, trails, campgrounds, etc.). Percent cover of all detected non-native species is recorded along each transect using the line intercept method.

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