Fire management agreement area
Fire management agreements divide land into 4 areas: * Crown Protection Area (CPA): The Crown is responsible for responding to all fires in the CPA * Municipal Protection Area (MPA): The municipality is responsible for responding in the MPA * Federal Protection Area (FPA): The federal government is responsible for responding in the FPA * Northern Fire Protection Area (NFPA): The local fire department (mostly in unorganized areas) is responsible for responding to all incidents and the suppression of fires in the NFPA [CPA]: Crown Protection Area [FPA]: Federal Protection Area [NFPA]: Northern Fire Protection Area [MPA]: Municipal Protection Area
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- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Government of Ontario
- Licence: Open Government Licence – Ontario
Data and Resources
Fire Management Agreement Area (extracted from geohub)ESRI RESTEnglish web_service ESRI REST
Fire Management Agreement Area (extracted from geohub)ESRI RESTEnglish web_service ESRI REST
Access to Fire management agreement areaHTMLEnglish dataset HTML
Complete File Geodatabase (extracted from geohub)ZIPEnglish dataset ZIP
Complete Shapefile (extracted from geohub)ZIPEnglish dataset ZIP
QGIS Layer Definition File (.qlr) (extracted from geohub)otherEnglish dataset other