Mammal Diversity and Abundance - Prince Albert

Mammal Diversity and Abundance - Prince Albert Occupancy data for wildlife species are collected from seven snow track transects, where the presence or absence of tracks for each species is recorded every 100m. Tracks are allowed to accumulate for at least 48 hours after transects have been set by a fresh snowfall or a snowmobile pulling a drag. Transects are monitored by snowmobile three times each winter (dependant on snow conditions). Terrestrial mammals are important to boreal forest biodiversity, and monitoring changes in the relative abundance and distribution of these mammals can provide insights to changes in overall ecosystem integrity. 2024-04-20 Parks Canada Nature and EnvironmentPrince Albert National ParkSaskatchewanforestgrasslandborealPlains BisonWoodland CaribouCoyoteDeerElkFisherFoxGrouseCanada LynxPine MartenMinkMooseRiver OtterSnowshoe HareWeaselWolfWolverinesnow trackingoccupancy Mammal Diversity and Abundance - Prince Albert - DataCSV Mammal Diversity and Abundance - Prince Albert - Data DictionaryCSV

Occupancy data for wildlife species are collected from seven snow track transects, where the presence or absence of tracks for each species is recorded every 100m. Tracks are allowed to accumulate for at least 48 hours after transects have been set by a fresh snowfall or a snowmobile pulling a drag. Transects are monitored by snowmobile three times each winter (dependant on snow conditions). Terrestrial mammals are important to boreal forest biodiversity, and monitoring changes in the relative abundance and distribution of these mammals can provide insights to changes in overall ecosystem integrity.

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