Locations of Uraniferous Boulders, Outcrops and Pits along the North Shore of Lake Athabasca, NTS 74L,M (GIS data, point features)

Locations of Uraniferous Boulders, Outcrops and Pits along the North Shore of Lake Athabasca, NTS 74L,M (GIS data, point features) Locations of uraniferous boulder-fields and uraniferous swamps extracted from industry assessment reports are useful metallogenetic indicators for uranium exploration within and around the Athabasca Basin. They are used as pathfinders to uranium occurrences and prospects. These locations along the northern rim of the Athabasca Basin in Alberta have been compiled in GIS format and delivered as a point shapefile. In Alberta, the northern rim of the Athabasca Basin and the regolith underlying the Athabasca unconformity are locally exposed along the northern shore of Lake Athabasca. Extensive uranium exploration work in the 1970s, including scintillometer prospecting traverses, geological mapping, airborne and ground geophysics, and drilling, have documented several uraniferous outcrops with scintillometer readings of up to 10 000 counts per second, and uraniferous boulders and boulder trains with radioactivity up to two orders of magnitude higher than the background. Near the Alberta-Saskatchewan border, uraniferous boulders show geochemical characteristics consistent with a Saskatchewan source, whereas to the west boulders have a distinct geochemical signal suggesting a local source in Alberta. 2024-05-02 Government of Alberta AGS-Info@aer.ca Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and Technology74L74MALBERTAALBERTA-SHIELDATHABASCA-BASINBOULDERSCANADAGEOLOGYGEOSCIENTIFICINFORMATIONGIS-DATALAKE-ATHABASCAOUTCROPPITSSHAPEFILEURANIUMGovernment information Locations of Uraniferous Boulders, Outcrops and Pits along the North Shore of Lake Athabasca, NTS 74L,M (GIS data, point features) - (HTML)HTML https://geodiscover.alberta.ca/geoportal/rest/metadata/item/fc220aaa20334d428ce81ad9d2418fe8/html Original metadata (https://open.alberta.ca/opendata)HTML https://open.alberta.ca/opendata/42291d85-15c8-418a-bc8a-cd41e3fc444b Locations of Uraniferous Boulders, Outcrops and Pits along the North Shore of Lake Athabasca, NTS 74L,M (GIS data, point features) - (XML)XML https://geodiscover.alberta.ca/geoportal/rest/metadata/item/fc220aaa20334d428ce81ad9d2418fe8/xml SHP (From Alberta Geodiscorver Portal metadata)ZIP https://static.ags.aer.ca/files/document/DIG/DIG_2009_0018.zip

Locations of uraniferous boulder-fields and uraniferous swamps extracted from industry assessment reports are useful metallogenetic indicators for uranium exploration within and around the Athabasca Basin. They are used as pathfinders to uranium occurrences and prospects. These locations along the northern rim of the Athabasca Basin in Alberta have been compiled in GIS format and delivered as a point shapefile. In Alberta, the northern rim of the Athabasca Basin and the regolith underlying the Athabasca unconformity are locally exposed along the northern shore of Lake Athabasca. Extensive uranium exploration work in the 1970s, including scintillometer prospecting traverses, geological mapping, airborne and ground geophysics, and drilling, have documented several uraniferous outcrops with scintillometer readings of up to 10 000 counts per second, and uraniferous boulders and boulder trains with radioactivity up to two orders of magnitude higher than the background. Near the Alberta-Saskatchewan border, uraniferous boulders show geochemical characteristics consistent with a Saskatchewan source, whereas to the west boulders have a distinct geochemical signal suggesting a local source in Alberta.

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