This data was produced under contract for Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Forest Management Branch in 2015-2016. Variables used were elevation, aspect, slope, landscape mesotopography (e.g. ridge, upper slope, etc). LiDAR coverageyielded a resolution of 1m2 pixels. Canopy height was included in this model. In these files there is a report assessing accuracy of the models compared with field observation data. detailed accuracy data by township is available upon request.
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- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Government of Alberta
- Licence: Open Government Licence - Alberta
Data and Resources
Whitebark Pine Habitat Model From LiDAR - (HTML)HTMLEnglish dataset HTML
Original metadata ( dataset HTML
Whitebark Pine Habitat Model From LiDAR - (XML)XMLEnglish dataset XML
Dataset (From Alberta Geodiscover Portal metadata)ZIPEnglish dataset ZIP
SHP (From Alberta Geodiscover Portal metadata)ZIPEnglish dataset ZIP
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