Quebec drinking water conservation strategy 2011 to 2017

Quebec drinking water conservation strategy 2011 to 2017 The Quebec Drinking Water Economy Strategy (the Strategy) was implemented in March 2011 by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MAMH) to meet commitment 49 of the National Water Policy. This strategy is part of the global context of tightening water policies, with a view to integrated management and with a view to sustainable development. It aims to provide municipalities with the necessary tools to make a clear and accurate diagnosis of water use in each territory in accordance with recognized standards. The current version of the Strategy covers the period 2019-2025. For all of Quebec, the objectives of the Strategy aimed at for the year 2025 are: - the reduction of 20% in the quantity of water distributed per person compared to 2015; - the achievement of a moderate level of leaks according to the International Water Association index; - the gradual increase in the investments necessary to maintain assets on a sustainable basis while gradually eliminating the maintenance deficit. In addition to these global goals, goals adapted to the profile of for each municipality are set. These adapted objectives, presented in the form of a threshold to be reached, are now specific according to the characteristics and particularities of municipalities. 2024-07-24 Government and Municipalities of Québec Economics and Industry Quantity of water distributedCSV Potential water losses (quantity)CSV Potential water losses (%)CSV Percentage of network auditedCSV Non-residential buildings equipped with meters (%)CSV Objective for water distributionCSV Original metadata (

The Quebec Drinking Water Economy Strategy (the Strategy) was implemented in March 2011 by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MAMH) to meet commitment 49 of the National Water Policy. This strategy is part of the global context of tightening water policies, with a view to integrated management and with a view to sustainable development. It aims to provide municipalities with the necessary tools to make a clear and accurate diagnosis of water use in each territory in accordance with recognized standards. The current version of the Strategy covers the period 2019-2025. For all of Quebec, the objectives of the Strategy aimed at for the year 2025 are: - the reduction of 20% in the quantity of water distributed per person compared to 2015; - the achievement of a moderate level of leaks according to the International Water Association index; - the gradual increase in the investments necessary to maintain assets on a sustainable basis while gradually eliminating the maintenance deficit. In addition to these global goals, goals adapted to the profile of for each municipality are set. These adapted objectives, presented in the form of a threshold to be reached, are now specific according to the characteristics and particularities of municipalities.

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