All island polygons. Islands may overlap as there are islands within islands (e.g., a lake on an island contains an island). GNIS_NAME_1 contains the most atomic name for the island. For example, there are 3797 "Haida Gwaii" islands. If the island has not been named as part of a more specific group or with an individual name, "Haida Gwaii" is the GNIS_NAME_1 value. GNIS_NAME_2 and GNIS_NAME_3 values are null. If the island has a more specific name, "Haida Gwaii" moves to GNIS_NAME_2, and the more atomic name, such as "Moresby Island" is the GNIS_NAME_1. If the island has an individual name, belongs to a group, and is part of Haida Gwaii, the same logic of naming from most to least specific applies. For example, GNIS_NAME_1 = "George Island", GNIS_NAME_2 = "Copper Islands", GNIS_NAME_3 = "Haida Gwaii".
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- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Government of British Columbia
- Licence: Open Government Licence - British Columbia
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