Grizzly Bear Occupancy - Ivvavik
This dataset contains species counts that have been collected using an array of 30 remote wildlife cameras. The purpose of the study is to monitor grizzly populations. The wildlife cameras are therefore placed strategically in Grizzly habitat within and adjacent to the Firth River Corridor in Ivvavik National Park. The wildlife cameras capture a photo when an animal enters its’ zone of detection and saves the photo along with time and day. The cameras are updated biannually at the beginning of June and the end of August. Grizzly bears are Ivvavik National Park’s (INP), dominant, large terrestrial predator and are an important part of ecological integrity. They are considered a keystone species, not only for their predation, but also for the ecosystem disturbance resulting from their nearly endless search for roots, forbs, grasses and berries.
- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Parks Canada
- Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada
Data and Resources
Grizzly Bear Occupancy - Ivvavik - DataCSVEnglish French dataset CSV
Grizzly Bear Occupancy - Ivvavik - Data DictionaryCSVEnglish French terminology CSV