Database for the Edson CBM Exploration Block-Alberta, Ardley Coal Zone Characterization and Sandstone Channels Geometry

Database for the Edson CBM Exploration Block-Alberta, Ardley Coal Zone Characterization and Sandstone Channels Geometry Database is designed to define the Ardley coal picks including coal stratigraphic correlation and coal quality (clean coal, shaly-coal and coaly-shale), formation tops and lithological components, such as sandstone channels and tonstein markers. It represents the base of the Edson CBM Exploration Block-Alberta, Ardley Coal Zone Characterization and Sandstone Channels Geometry report, Earth Sciences Report 2007-06. 2024-05-02 Government of Alberta Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and Technology83F83G83J83KALBERTAARDLEY-COAL-ZONECANADACBMCOALCOAL-ZONECOALBED-METHANEDATADATABASESEDSONFACIES-ANALYSISGEOLOGYGEOSCIENTIFICINFORMATIONSANDSTONEGovernment information Database for the Edson CBM Exploration Block-Alberta, Ardley Coal Zone Characterization and Sandstone Channels Geometry - (ASCII GRID)ASCII Grid Database for the Edson CBM Exploration Block-Alberta, Ardley Coal Zone Characterization and Sandstone Channels Geometry - (HTML)HTML Original metadata ( Database for the Edson CBM Exploration Block-Alberta, Ardley Coal Zone Characterization and Sandstone Channels Geometry - (XML)XML

Database is designed to define the Ardley coal picks including coal stratigraphic correlation and coal quality (clean coal, shaly-coal and coaly-shale), formation tops and lithological components, such as sandstone channels and tonstein markers. It represents the base of the Edson CBM Exploration Block-Alberta, Ardley Coal Zone Characterization and Sandstone Channels Geometry report, Earth Sciences Report 2007-06.

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