Forest Breeding Bird Abundance and Composition - Kluane

Forest Breeding Bird Abundance and Composition - Kluane Most songbirds in Kluane National Park and Reserve are medium-distance migrants and could be threatened by habitat degradation along migration routes. Songbirds could also indicate whether Kluane’s forests have recovered essential components of habitat after the extensive spruce bark beetle outbreak in the late 1990s. Point counts for songbirds are conducted twice annually in June in a white spruce dominated forest according to the Alaska Landbird Monitoring Strategy protocol. Birds are identified to species and enumerated by sight and sound 2024-05-02 Parks Canada Nature and EnvironmentKluaneYukonbreeding birdmigratorymigrantsongbirdpoint count Forest Breeding Bird Abundance and Composition - Kluane-1CSV Forest Breeding Bird Abundance and Composition - Kluane-2 Data DictionaryCSV

Most songbirds in Kluane National Park and Reserve are medium-distance migrants and could be threatened by habitat degradation along migration routes. Songbirds could also indicate whether Kluane’s forests have recovered essential components of habitat after the extensive spruce bark beetle outbreak in the late 1990s. Point counts for songbirds are conducted twice annually in June in a white spruce dominated forest according to the Alaska Landbird Monitoring Strategy protocol. Birds are identified to species and enumerated by sight and sound

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