Negotiated wage rate growth index

Negotiated wage rate growth index The Secrétariat du Travail du Québec systematically monitors the wage clauses contained in collective agreements where the minimum size of the bargaining unit is 50 employees in the case of white collar workers and 100 employees in the case of blue collar workers. The rate of wage growth is measured for the modal employment of each collective agreement, that is, the job where the largest proportion of the target workforce is found. Purpose: To monitor the evolution of wage growth in organizations with collective agreements 2024-07-24 Government and Municipalities of Québec Economics and Industry Data on the growth index of negotiated wage rates in QuebecCSV Data on the growth index of negotiated wage rates in QuebecXLSX Original metadata (

The Secrétariat du Travail du Québec systematically monitors the wage clauses contained in collective agreements where the minimum size of the bargaining unit is 50 employees in the case of white collar workers and 100 employees in the case of blue collar workers. The rate of wage growth is measured for the modal employment of each collective agreement, that is, the job where the largest proportion of the target workforce is found. Purpose: To monitor the evolution of wage growth in organizations with collective agreements

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