Regional Geochemical Survey Data

Regional Geochemical Survey Data 2020 DATABASE (Excel): The joint federal-provincial Regional Geochemical Surveys (RGS) have been carried out in British Columbia since 1976 as part of the National Geochemical Reconnaissance (NGR) program to aid exploration and development of mineral resources. The British Columbia Geological Survey (BCGS) maintains provincial geochemical databases capturing information from multi-media surveys. This 2020 release of the most current and complete province-wide geochemical data set collected under the (RGS) program. The database was compiled from 116 original sources with 65,429 samples and about 5 million determinations analyzed using 18 methods in 18 laboratories. This release augments the database with new RGS data compiled from BCGS and Geoscience BC publications between 2016 and 2019. Compared with the data in the last release, data in this release have been given further quality control treatment and revision. For the ease of use and consistency with previously published data, the data set was generated from the RGS database in a flat tabular format. The 2020 data set, released as BCGS GeoGile 2020-08, is presented in two MS Excel files, ‘RGS2020_ data.xlsx’ and ‘RGS2020_metadata.xlsx’. The data tables capture locations, field observations, analytical results and laboratories, and geology underlying sample sites for stream-, lake- and moss-sediment, water and lake samples, heavy mineral concentrates, tree twig, and needle ash. The analytical determinations include up to 63 analytes from sediment samples and up to 78 analytes from water samples. These samples, collected at an average density of about 1 site per 7–13 km2, provide representative geochemical data for the catchment basin upstream from the sample site. The RGS currently covers approximately 80 percent of the province. 2024-05-02 Government of British Columbia Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyRGSRGS databasedigital datageochemistrygeologylake sedimentmineral explorationmineral potentialmoss mat-trapped drainage sedimentregional geochemical surveyregional geochemical survey databasestream geochemistrystream sedimentwater geochemistryGovernment information Original metadata ( GEOL_REG_GEOCHMCL_SURV_PNT_SPKML GEOL_REG_GEOCHMCL_SURV_PNT_SPWMS GEOL_REG_GEOCHMCL_SURV_PNT_SPWMS RGS2020_dataXLS RGS2020_metadataXLS RGS2017_infoXLS

2020 DATABASE (Excel): The joint federal-provincial Regional Geochemical Surveys (RGS) have been carried out in British Columbia since 1976 as part of the National Geochemical Reconnaissance (NGR) program to aid exploration and development of mineral resources. The British Columbia Geological Survey (BCGS) maintains provincial geochemical databases capturing information from multi-media surveys. This 2020 release of the most current and complete province-wide geochemical data set collected under the (RGS) program. The database was compiled from 116 original sources with 65,429 samples and about 5 million determinations analyzed using 18 methods in 18 laboratories. This release augments the database with new RGS data compiled from BCGS and Geoscience BC publications between 2016 and 2019. Compared with the data in the last release, data in this release have been given further quality control treatment and revision. For the ease of use and consistency with previously published data, the data set was generated from the RGS database in a flat tabular format. The 2020 data set, released as BCGS GeoGile 2020-08, is presented in two MS Excel files, ‘RGS2020_ data.xlsx’ and ‘RGS2020_metadata.xlsx’. The data tables capture locations, field observations, analytical results and laboratories, and geology underlying sample sites for stream-, lake- and moss-sediment, water and lake samples, heavy mineral concentrates, tree twig, and needle ash. The analytical determinations include up to 63 analytes from sediment samples and up to 78 analytes from water samples. These samples, collected at an average density of about 1 site per 7–13 km2, provide representative geochemical data for the catchment basin upstream from the sample site. The RGS currently covers approximately 80 percent of the province.

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