Quaternary Geology and Bedrock Subcrop of the Cold Lake to Ft. McMurray Area, Alberta - Surface Structure, Empress Formation Sand and Gravel (NTS 73L, M) (1:250 000-scale gridded data)

Quaternary Geology and Bedrock Subcrop of the Cold Lake to Ft. McMurray Area, Alberta - Surface Structure, Empress Formation Sand and Gravel (NTS 73L, M) (1:250 000-scale gridded data) A digital grid of the top of the Empress Formation where present, or the topography of the surrounding landscape, where the formation is absent. This includes the units 1 to 3 of the Empress Formation in buried valleys, as well as undifferentiated Empress interfluve sediments resting on the bedrock surface between buried valleys. The unit is originally modelled from borehole data and adjusted to the bedrock surface, the surfaces of units 1, 2, 3 and interfluve units of the Empress Formation, and the present-day land surface. The grid is generated at a 250 metre cell-size resolution, based on 2003 information. 2024-05-02 Government of Alberta AGS-Info@aer.ca Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and Technology73L73MALBERTAAQUIFERSATHABASCA-OIL-SANDSBEDROCK-TOPOGRAPHYCANADACOLD-LAKEFORT-MCMURRAYGEOLOGYGEOSCIENTIFICINFORMATIONGIS-DATAHYDROGEOLOGYOIL-SANDSQUATERNARYSTRATIGRAPHYGovernment information Quaternary Geology and Bedrock Subcrop of the Cold Lake to Ft. McMurray Area, Alberta - Surface Structure, Empress Formation Sand and Gravel (NTS 73L, M) (1:250 000-scale gridded data) - (ASCII GRID)ASCII Grid https://static.ags.aer.ca/files/document/DIG/DIG_2006_0052.zip Quaternary Geology and Bedrock Subcrop of the Cold Lake to Ft. McMurray Area, Alberta - Surface Structure, Empress Formation Sand and Gravel (NTS 73L, M) (1:250 000-scale gridded data) - (HTML)HTML https://geodiscover.alberta.ca/geoportal/rest/metadata/item/5b58e2eebeda436086e2d45fded544fc/html Original metadata (https://open.alberta.ca/opendata)HTML https://open.alberta.ca/opendata/4e677267-e5a5-4cea-9f3c-b60a6f7cd400 Quaternary Geology and Bedrock Subcrop of the Cold Lake to Ft. McMurray Area, Alberta - Surface Structure, Empress Formation Sand and Gravel (NTS 73L, M) (1:250 000-scale gridded data) - (XML)XML https://geodiscover.alberta.ca/geoportal/rest/metadata/item/5b58e2eebeda436086e2d45fded544fc/xml

A digital grid of the top of the Empress Formation where present, or the topography of the surrounding landscape, where the formation is absent. This includes the units 1 to 3 of the Empress Formation in buried valleys, as well as undifferentiated Empress interfluve sediments resting on the bedrock surface between buried valleys. The unit is originally modelled from borehole data and adjusted to the bedrock surface, the surfaces of units 1, 2, 3 and interfluve units of the Empress Formation, and the present-day land surface. The grid is generated at a 250 metre cell-size resolution, based on 2003 information.

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