Precambrian Geology of Northeastern Alberta: 40 Argon/39 Argon Geochronological Data, NTS 74M, 74L and part of 74E(GIS data, point features)

Precambrian Geology of Northeastern Alberta: 40 Argon/39 Argon Geochronological Data, NTS 74M, 74L and part of 74E(GIS data, point features) This GIS dataset is part of a digital compilation of the Precambrian geology of the Alberta portion of the Canadian Shield and Athabasca Basin. It is one of the datasets used to produce Alberta Geological Survey Map 537. The dataset displays locations on the Alberta shield where we took rock samples for 40 argon/39 argon dating. Attributes include crystallization and/or cooling age, mineral analyzed, sample identifier and rock type, literature reference, and analytical method. This is a digital version of Table 2 in Map 537. 2024-12-06 Government of Alberta Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and Technology74MAGE-DATINGALBERTAALBERTA-SHIELDARGONATHABASCA-BASINCANADACANADIAN-SHIELDGEOLOGYGEOSCIENTIFICINFORMATIONGIS-DATAGNEISSGRANITOIDMETAMORPHICMYLONITEPRECAMBRIANGovernment information Precambrian Geology of Northeastern Alberta: 40 Argon/39 Argon Geochronological Data, NTS 74M, 74L and part of 74E(GIS data, point features) - (HTML)HTML Original metadata ( Precambrian Geology of Northeastern Alberta: 40 Argon/39 Argon Geochronological Data, NTS 74M, 74L and part of 74E(GIS data, point features) - (XML)XML SHP (From Alberta Geodiscover Portal metadata)ZIP

This GIS dataset is part of a digital compilation of the Precambrian geology of the Alberta portion of the Canadian Shield and Athabasca Basin. It is one of the datasets used to produce Alberta Geological Survey Map 537. The dataset displays locations on the Alberta shield where we took rock samples for 40 argon/39 argon dating. Attributes include crystallization and/or cooling age, mineral analyzed, sample identifier and rock type, literature reference, and analytical method. This is a digital version of Table 2 in Map 537.

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