Afghan Refugees (Permanent Resident Admissions) under Canada’s #WelcomeAfghans Commitment – Monthly IRCC Updates
These tables focus on admissions of Afghan refugees under Canada’s #WelcomeAfghans Commitment, highlighting the population’s primary characteristics of gender, age group, official language ability, education level, and province of intended destination in Canada. Afghan refugees include persons admitted under Canada’s special immigration program for Afghans who assisted the Government of Canada as well as individuals admitted under the special Afghan humanitarian program.
Please note that all values between 0 and 5 are shown as “--”. This is done to prevent individuals from being identified when IRCC data is compiled and compared to other publicly available statistics. All other values are rounded to the closest multiple of 5 for the same reason; as a result of rounding, data may not sum to the totals indicated.
Data are preliminary and subject to change.
- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
- Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada
Data and Resources
Canada - Admissions of Afghan Refugees by Province/Territory and Age GroupXLSXEnglish dataset XLSX
Canada - Admissions of Afghan Refugees by Province/Territory and Age GroupXLSXFrench dataset XLSX
Canada - Admissions of Afghan Refugees by Province/Territory and EducationXLSXEnglish dataset XLSX
Canada - Admissions of Afghan Refugees by Province/Territory and EducationXLSXFrench dataset XLSX
Canada - Admissions of Afghan Refugees by Province/Territory and GenderXLSXEnglish dataset XLSX
Canada - Admissions of Afghan Refugees by Province/Territory and GenderXLSXFrench dataset XLSX
Canada - Admissions of Afghan Refugees by Province/Territory and EducationCSVEnglish French dataset CSV
Canada - Admissions of Afghan Refugees by Province/Territory and Age GroupCSVEnglish French dataset CSV
Canada - Admissions of Afghan Refugees by Province/Territory and GenderCSVEnglish French dataset CSV
Canada - Admissions of Afghan Refugees by Province/Territory and Official Language AbilityCSVEnglish French dataset CSV