Low-income Measures (2), Household Low-income Status (5) and Household Type(5) for Private Households of Canada, Provinces and Territories, Census Divisions and Census Subdivisions, 2016 Census - 100% Data

Low-income Measures (2), Household Low-income Status (5) and Household Type(5) for Private Households of Canada, Provinces and Territories, Census Divisions and Census Subdivisions, 2016 Census - 100% Data This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content varies from a simple overview of the country to complex cross-tabulations; the tables may also cover several censuses. 2022-02-23 Statistics Canada STATCAN.infostats-infostats.STATCAN@canada.ca PersonsCensus of populationincome Low-income Measures (2), Household Low-income Status (5) and Household Type(5) for Private Households of Canada, Provinces and Territories, Census Divisions and Census Subdivisions, 2016 Census - 100% DataXML https://www12.statcan.gc.ca/open-gc-ouvert/?CTLG=98-400-X2016133 Supporting DocumentHTML https://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2016/ref/index-eng.cfm Supporting DocumentHTML https://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2016/ref/index-fra.cfm

This table is part of a series of tables that present a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. The tables range in complexity and levels of geography. Content varies from a simple overview of the country to complex cross-tabulations; the tables may also cover several censuses.

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