644 datasets of Typical Meteorological Years (TMY) created by joining twelve Typical Meteorological Months selected from a database of up to 20 years of CWEEDS hourly data. The months are chosen by statistically comparing individual monthly means with long-term monthly means for daily total global solar irradiance, mean, minimum and maximum dry bulb temperature, mean, minimum and maximum dew point temperature, and mean and maximum wind speed. These hourly datasets are used by the engineering and scientific community mainly as inputs for solar system design and analysis and building energy systems analysis tools. This dataset has been updated with the most recent changes made in March 2023. The solar values in these files are based on 0.1° x 0.1° (11 km x 11 km grid) for all of Canada.
Refer to Data Resources below for additional information on the TMY file format.
- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Natural Resources Canada
- Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada
Data and Resources
Format of CWEC TMY and TDY FilesPDFEnglish guide PDF
Format of CWEC TMY and TDY FilesPDFFrench guide PDF
Canadian Weather Year Energy Calculation (CWEC)ESRI RESTEnglish web_service ESRI REST
Canadian Weather Year for Energy Calculation (CWEC)ESRI RESTFrench web_service ESRI REST
Canadian Weather Year Energy Calculation (CWEC)WMSEnglish web_service WMS
Canadian Weather Year for Energy Calculation (CWEC)WMSFrench web_service WMS
Description of the TMY files associated with each CWEEDS filesPDFEnglish guide PDF
Description of the TMY files associated with each CWEEDS filesPDFFrench guide PDF
Contact Information
Electronic Mail Address: canadiansolardatabase-basededonneessolairecanadienne@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca