Soil Neonicotinoid Monitoring Study

Soil Neonicotinoid Monitoring Study The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks started the Multi-Media Monitoring Study in 2015, in support of Ontario's Pollinator Health Action Plan, to measure changes in neonicotinoid insecticide concentrations in the environment following restrictions on the use of neonicotinoid-treated corn and soybean seeds. This data characterizes neonicotinoid concentrations in soil at 38 study sites in five southern Ontario watersheds. The other components of the Multi-Media Monitoring Study (stream water neonicotinoid concentrations and benthic invertebrate data) are available separately. [View this data on an interactive map]( This dataset is related to the following: 1. [Stream Neonicotinoid Monitoring Study](/dataset/stream-neonicotinoid-monitoring-study) 2. [Benthic Invertebrate Neonicotinoid Monitoring Study](/dataset/benthic-invertebrate-neonicotinoid-monitoring-study) 3. [Pollen Monitoring Network Study](/dataset/pollen-monitoring-network-study) 4. [Bumble Bee Diversity and Abundance Survey](/dataset/bumble-bee-diversity-and-abundance-survey) 5. [Drinking Water Neonicotinoid Monitoring Study](/dataset/drinking-water-neonicotinoid-monitoring-study) 2024-07-24 Government of Ontario Government and PoliticsEnvironment and Natural ResourcesEnvironment and energyNeonicotinoid Study Soil Neonicotinoid Monitoring StudyCSV Metadata RecordPDF Metadata RecordPDF

The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks started the Multi-Media Monitoring Study in 2015, in support of Ontario's Pollinator Health Action Plan, to measure changes in neonicotinoid insecticide concentrations in the environment following restrictions on the use of neonicotinoid-treated corn and soybean seeds. This data characterizes neonicotinoid concentrations in soil at 38 study sites in five southern Ontario watersheds. The other components of the Multi-Media Monitoring Study (stream water neonicotinoid concentrations and benthic invertebrate data) are available separately. View this data on an interactive map This dataset is related to the following: 1. Stream Neonicotinoid Monitoring Study 2. Benthic Invertebrate Neonicotinoid Monitoring Study 3. Pollen Monitoring Network Study 4. Bumble Bee Diversity and Abundance Survey 5. Drinking Water Neonicotinoid Monitoring Study

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