Exceptional forest ecosystem (EFE)

Exceptional forest ecosystem (EFE) Forest ecosystems located on the domain of the State and of particular interest for the conservation of biological diversity, because of their rare or ancient nature, or because they are home to one or more threatened or vulnerable plant species. Their management is under the responsibility of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests (MNRF) and they may be classified under the Sustainable Forest Development Act (LADTF, chapter A-18.1). Forest management activities are prohibited on the territory of an exceptional forest ecosystem, with few exceptions. Currently, there are 256 classified EFEs. This data comes from the MRNF STF system, which is the __official source__ of this geographic information.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).** 2024-04-04 Government and Municipalities of Québec renseignements@mrnf.gouv.qc.ca Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and Technology List of exceptional forest ecosystems (EFE)CSV https://diffusion.mffp.gouv.qc.ca/Diffusion/DonneeGratuite/Foret/CONSERVATION_PROTECTION/EFE/LISTE_EFE.csv Exceptional forest ecosystem (EFE)FGDB/GDB https://diffusion.mffp.gouv.qc.ca/Diffusion/DonneeGratuite/Foret/CONSERVATION_PROTECTION/EFE/EFE_GDB.zip Exceptional forest ecosystem (EFE)GPKG https://diffusion.mffp.gouv.qc.ca/Diffusion/donneegratuite/foret/CONSERVATION_PROTECTION/EFE/EFE_GPKG.zip Open forestHTML https://www.foretouverte.gouv.qc.ca/?context=_amenagiste&zoom=7¢er=-74.71043,48.27508&invisiblelayers=*&visiblelayers=3641bf2da21d00b7e63e7332320340fe,40cdecbdd87e4e064caa414debc3873b,cd47428c79d2020773955d3f2f50c2ad,1da64ddfeaf23710b8a9ad95133fb5d8&wmsUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fservicescarto.mffp.gouv.qc.ca%2Fpes%2Fservices%2FForets%2FSTF_WMS%2FMapServer%2FWMSServer%3F&wmsLayers=(%C3%89cosyst%C3%A8me%20forestier%20exceptionnel%20-%20Point:igoz48,%C3%89cosyst%C3%A8me%20forestier%20exceptionnel%20class%C3%A9:igoz47) Original metadata (https://www.donneesquebec.ca)HTML https://www.donneesquebec.ca/recherche/fr/dataset/576850dd-c72b-4a2a-b01c-28eb2a1f3816 Procedures for adding a web servicePDF https://mffp.gouv.qc.ca/documents/forets/inventaire/Procedure_service_Web.pdf Exceptional forest ecosystem (EFE)SHP https://diffusion.mffp.gouv.qc.ca/Diffusion/DonneeGratuite/Foret/CONSERVATION_PROTECTION/EFE/EFE_SHP.zip Territorial forest subdivisions (STF)other https://servicescarto.mffp.gouv.qc.ca/pes/services/Forets/STF_WMS/MapServer/WMSServer?

Forest ecosystems located on the domain of the State and of particular interest for the conservation of biological diversity, because of their rare or ancient nature, or because they are home to one or more threatened or vulnerable plant species. Their management is under the responsibility of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests (MNRF) and they may be classified under the Sustainable Forest Development Act (LADTF, chapter A-18.1). Forest management activities are prohibited on the territory of an exceptional forest ecosystem, with few exceptions. Currently, there are 256 classified EFEs. This data comes from the MRNF STF system, which is the official source of this geographic information.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).

Made available by the Government and Municipalities of Québec

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Contact Information

Electronic Mail Address: renseignements@mrnf.gouv.qc.ca

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