Beach Core Data - Capelin

Beach Core Data - Capelin Beach core data samples consist of capelin eggs and larvae extracted from beach sites using sediment cores at high, medium and low tide. These sites are identifiable by a location or community code. The capelin egg totals and pre-emergent larvae totals are computed annually and daily. Data series is from 1990-2012. See Nakashima and Taggart (2002) ICES J Mar Sci 59:897-908. 2023-07-11 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Science and TechnologycapelinFisheries and Oceans Canadabeachbeach core Beach Core Data - CapelinCSV Data DictionaryCSV

Beach core data samples consist of capelin eggs and larvae extracted from beach sites using sediment cores at high, medium and low tide. These sites are identifiable by a location or community code. The capelin egg totals and pre-emergent larvae totals are computed annually and daily. Data series is from 1990-2012. See Nakashima and Taggart (2002) ICES J Mar Sci 59:897-908.

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