Mammal Occupancy - Kootenay

Mammal Occupancy - Kootenay Motion-detection cameras are a cost-effective and non-invasive tool used in Kootenay National Park for sampling mammal populations and estimating species occurrence. Occupancy modelling, which uses detection/non-detection data from cameras, provides a useful and flexible framework for population trend analyses. Data are collected throughout the year across Kootenay National Park to determine change in the distribution of key animal populations as well as supporting demographic predictions to better inform management. 2024-04-14 Parks Canada Nature and EnvironmentKootenay National Parkmotion-detection camerascamera trapmammal populationspecies Mammal Occupancy - KootenayCSV Mammal Occupancy - Kootenay - data dictionaryCSV

Motion-detection cameras are a cost-effective and non-invasive tool used in Kootenay National Park for sampling mammal populations and estimating species occurrence. Occupancy modelling, which uses detection/non-detection data from cameras, provides a useful and flexible framework for population trend analyses. Data are collected throughout the year across Kootenay National Park to determine change in the distribution of key animal populations as well as supporting demographic predictions to better inform management.

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