Wetland extents - Kejimkujik

Wetland extents - Kejimkujik Wetland surface area may be strongly influenced by changing climate regime, land use change, and/or alterations in local and regional hydrological regime. Monitoring surface area provides a coarse level assessment of ecosystem change in response to potential stressors in the region. Digitized aerial photographs provides a way to track the area of non-vegetated peatlands over time. The area of non-vegetated wetland surface is tracked every 10 years using aerial photographs. 2024-05-03 Parks Canada matthew.smith@pc.gc.ca Nature and EnvironmentWetlandsSurface ExtentHydrological regimeAerial photoNova Scotia Wetland Extents - Kejimkujik - Extent DataCSV https://open.canada.ca/data/dataset/5a034977-1e2f-4669-946b-ba203eab5db5/resource/11532da6-4b92-460a-bafd-86380228bf87/download/kejimkujik_np_wetland_extents_1928-2010_data.csv

Wetland surface area may be strongly influenced by changing climate regime, land use change, and/or alterations in local and regional hydrological regime. Monitoring surface area provides a coarse level assessment of ecosystem change in response to potential stressors in the region. Digitized aerial photographs provides a way to track the area of non-vegetated peatlands over time. The area of non-vegetated wetland surface is tracked every 10 years using aerial photographs.

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