Soil Landscapes of Canada Version 3.2

Soil Landscapes of Canada Version 3.2 The “Soil Landscapes of Canada (SLC) Version 3.2” dataset series provides a set of geo-referenced soil areas (polygons) that are linked to attribute data found in the associated Component Table (CMP), Component Rating Table (CRT), Soil Names Table (SNT), Soil Layer Table (SLT), Landscape Segmentation Table (LST), Landform Extent Table (LET), Landform Definition Table and Ecological Framework Table (EFT). Together, these datasets describe the spatial distribution of soils and associated landscapes for the agricultural areas of Canada. However, some provinces (Alberta, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island) contain CMP, SNT and SLT data for the entire province (that is, beyond the agricultural areas). This version is complemented by the previous SLC version 2.2, which covers the entire country. 2024-09-10 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and TechnologyTerrestrial ecosystemsEarth sciencesWetlandsAgricultureSoil taxonomySoil Pre-packaged FGDB filesFGDB/GDB Pre-packaged GeoJSON filesGEOJSON Pre-packaged CSV filesCSV Data Product Specification (English)PDF Data Product Specification (French)PDF

The “Soil Landscapes of Canada (SLC) Version 3.2” dataset series provides a set of geo-referenced soil areas (polygons) that are linked to attribute data found in the associated Component Table (CMP), Component Rating Table (CRT), Soil Names Table (SNT), Soil Layer Table (SLT), Landscape Segmentation Table (LST), Landform Extent Table (LET), Landform Definition Table and Ecological Framework Table (EFT). Together, these datasets describe the spatial distribution of soils and associated landscapes for the agricultural areas of Canada. However, some provinces (Alberta, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island) contain CMP, SNT and SLT data for the entire province (that is, beyond the agricultural areas). This version is complemented by the previous SLC version 2.2, which covers the entire country.

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