Skills and Competencies Taxonomy Data

Skills and Competencies Taxonomy Data The Skills and Competencies Taxonomy streamlines the terminology of hundreds of occupational descriptors used in the labour market. Each descriptor is associated with one of the seven main categories (skills, abilities, personal attributes, knowledge, interests, work context and work activities), which are then further divided into sub-categories. The Taxonomy improves the comparability of concepts and their application throughout occupations and sectors. Its also complements other federal, provincial, and territorial employment programs involving skills identification and utilization, and facilitates a Pan-Canadian dialogue on competencies. The Skills and Competencies Taxonomy was constructed based on internal products (e.g., Career Handbook, Skills and Knowledge Checklist, and Essential Skills profiles), the American O*NET system, and a variety of national and international competency-based frameworks, such as the Global Competency Framework. The SCT is an evergreen product. ESDC continues to consult with internal and external stakeholders to validate and improve its content. The Essential Skills, a product of EDSC-Office of Literacy and Essential Skills, was incorporated in the first publication of the Taxonomy in July 2019. Since then, a new model named Skills for Success was developed and launched in May 2021 by ESDC’s Office of Skills for Success and was integrated into the 2022 version. Most importantly, the Taxonomy is used as a framework for the Occupational and Skills Information System (OaSIS), which contains the measurement indicators of most descriptors in the Taxonomy for over 900 occupations. Finally, the Taxonomy is intended to complement the Skills for Success model. 2023-11-29 Employment and Social Development Canada Economics and IndustryEducation and TrainingForm DescriptorsLabourLanguage and Linguisticsoccupationskillabilitydictionaryworkjobcareervocationtaskemployment Skills and Competencies Taxonomy -EN- 2023 Version 1.0CSV Skills and Competencies Taxonomy -FR- 2023 Version 1.0CSV Descriptors - Skills and Competencies Taxonomy - 2023 Version 1.0CSV End Notes - Skills and Competencies Taxonomy - 2023 Version 1.0CSV Sources - Skills and Competencies Taxonomy-2023 Version 1.0CSV SkillsAndCompetenciesTaxonomy-Fr-2022_Version1.0CSV SkillsAndCompetenciesTaxonomy-2022_Version1.0_DescriptorsCSV SkillsAndCompetenciesTaxonomy-2022_Version1.0_EndNotesCSV SkillsAndCompetenciesTaxonomy-2022_Version1.0_SourcesCSV

The Skills and Competencies Taxonomy streamlines the terminology of hundreds of occupational descriptors used in the labour market. Each descriptor is associated with one of the seven main categories (skills, abilities, personal attributes, knowledge, interests, work context and work activities), which are then further divided into sub-categories.

The Taxonomy improves the comparability of concepts and their application throughout occupations and sectors. Its also complements other federal, provincial, and territorial employment programs involving skills identification and utilization, and facilitates a Pan-Canadian dialogue on competencies.

The Skills and Competencies Taxonomy was constructed based on internal products (e.g., Career Handbook, Skills and Knowledge Checklist, and Essential Skills profiles), the American O*NET system, and a variety of national and international competency-based frameworks, such as the Global Competency Framework. The SCT is an evergreen product. ESDC continues to consult with internal and external stakeholders to validate and improve its content.

The Essential Skills, a product of EDSC-Office of Literacy and Essential Skills, was incorporated in the first publication of the Taxonomy in July 2019. Since then, a new model named Skills for Success was developed and launched in May 2021 by ESDC’s Office of Skills for Success and was integrated into the 2022 version. Most importantly, the Taxonomy is used as a framework for the Occupational and Skills Information System (OaSIS), which contains the measurement indicators of most descriptors in the Taxonomy for over 900 occupations. Finally, the Taxonomy is intended to complement the Skills for Success model.

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