2018-19 Occupational Health and Safety survey
The 2018-19 Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) survey was the first known occupational health and safety population survey conducted in Alberta. The survey was designed to provide baseline data for future comparisons. The objectives of the survey were to provide data on a variety of factors affecting worker health and safety, understand the relationships between factors affecting worker health and safety, gain insight on worker vulnerability, and understand industry and occupation specific factors over time. A total of 8,464 records were validated and included in the public use data file.
Made available by the Government of Alberta
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- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Government of Alberta
- Licence: Open Government Licence - Alberta
Data and Resources
2018-19 Occupational Health and Safety survey data dictionaryXLSXEnglish dataset XLSX
2018-19 Occupational Health and Safety surveyCSVEnglish dataset CSV
See the 2018-19 Occupational Health and Safety survey : methodologyotherEnglish dataset other
Original metadata (https://open.alberta.ca/opendata)HTMLEnglish website HTML
Contact Information
Electronic Mail Address: ohssurveillance@gov.ab.ca