Investments in Indigenous community infrastructure
The Targeted Investments in Indigenous Community Infrastructure dataset depicts infrastructure projects across Canada that are funded through Indigenous Services Canada (ISC). It contains data related to project category, description, status and beneficiary.
The dataset allows the Department to pinpoint and share information about individual infrastructure projects in Indigenous communities, in a proactive and transparent manner, to:
• Showcase where and how investments are carried out
• Demonstrate the Government’s commitment to improve the socio-economic conditions of Indigenous peoples and their communities.
Projects featured in this Indigenous community infrastructure investments dataset are updated on a quarterly basis.
For more information, visit
- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Indigenous Services Canada
- Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada
Data and Resources
Investments in Indigenous community infrastructureWMSEnglish web_service WMS
Investments in Indigenous community infrastructureWMSFrench web_service WMS
Web Feature Service (WFS) (in English)WFSEnglish web_service WFS
Data Dictionary - Web Services (in French)CSVFrench guide CSV
Data Dictionary - Web Services (in English)CSVEnglish guide CSV
Data Dictionary - FGDB (in French)CSVFrench guide CSV
Data Dictionary - FGDB (in English)CSVEnglish guide CSV
Data Dictionary - SHP (in French)CSVFrench guide CSV
Data Dictionary - SHP (in English)CSVEnglish guide CSV
Data Dictionary - CSV (in French)CSVFrench guide CSV
Data Dictionary - CSV (in English)CSVEnglish guide CSV
Investments in Indigenous community infrastructureESRI RESTFrench web_service ESRI REST
Investments in Indigenous community infrastructureESRI RESTEnglish web_service ESRI REST
Pre-packaged FGDB file (in French)FGDB/GDBFrench dataset FGDB/GDB
Pre-packaged FGDB file (in English)FGDB/GDBEnglish dataset FGDB/GDB
Pre-packaged SHP file (in French)SHPFrench dataset SHP
Pre-packaged SHP file (in English)SHPEnglish dataset SHP
Pre-packaged CSV file (in French)CSVFrench dataset CSV
Pre-packaged CSV file (in English)CSVEnglish dataset CSV
Generate KML File (in French)KMLFrench dataset KML
Generate KML File (in English)KMLEnglish dataset KML
Web Feature Service (WFS) (in French)WFSFrench web_service WFS
Contact Information
Delivery Point: Terrasses de la Chaudière, 10 Wellington, North Tower
City: Gatineau
Administrative Area: Quebec
Postal Code: K1A 0H4
Country: Canada
Electronic Mail Address: