Seabirds - Forillon

Seabirds - Forillon This set of data contains the results of the various breeding seabird inventories conducted at Forillon National Park. Seabirds are recognized as good indicators of the quality of marine ecosystems and more particularly of the abundance of prey species on which they depend. Monitoring of seabird populations is therefore part of Forillon National Park's ecological integrity monitoring program. The abundance of different seabird species is determined by a total nest count in the cliffs during the nesting period. This complete population census is usually conducted as part of a boat inventory covering the entire coastal territory of the park. The species considered during the inventories were the black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), double-crested cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus), great black-backed gull (Larus marinus), European herring gull (Larus argentatus), razorbill (Alca torda), common murre (Uria aalge) and black guillemot (Cepphus grylle). The first dataset contains the results of nesting seabird counts in Forillon National Park conducted in 1973, 1977, 1982 and 1989. In the 1989 inventory, Forillon National Park staff counted only black-legged kittiwakes, double-crested cormorants and razorbills. The second dataset contains the results of the 1999 Forillon National Park nesting seabird count. During this inventory, the highest number of nests (or individuals) identified by the two independent observers was selected. In the third dataset on the 2008 and 2016 surveys, nest counts are done by two independent observers, either directly from the boat or from photographs of cliff sections. 2024-05-05 Parks Canada Nature and Environmentsea birdsinventoryBlack-legged kittiwakegullRazorbillCommon murreBlack guillemotDouble-crested cormorantnests Seabirds - Forillon - Data - 1CSV Seabirds - Forillon - Data - 2CSV Seabirds - Forillon - Data - 3CSV Seabirds - Forillon - Data dictionaryCSV Seabirds - Forillon - Number and CSV FormatTXT

This set of data contains the results of the various breeding seabird inventories conducted at Forillon National Park. Seabirds are recognized as good indicators of the quality of marine ecosystems and more particularly of the abundance of prey species on which they depend. Monitoring of seabird populations is therefore part of Forillon National Park's ecological integrity monitoring program. The abundance of different seabird species is determined by a total nest count in the cliffs during the nesting period. This complete population census is usually conducted as part of a boat inventory covering the entire coastal territory of the park. The species considered during the inventories were the black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), double-crested cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus), great black-backed gull (Larus marinus), European herring gull (Larus argentatus), razorbill (Alca torda), common murre (Uria aalge) and black guillemot (Cepphus grylle). The first dataset contains the results of nesting seabird counts in Forillon National Park conducted in 1973, 1977, 1982 and 1989. In the 1989 inventory, Forillon National Park staff counted only black-legged kittiwakes, double-crested cormorants and razorbills. The second dataset contains the results of the 1999 Forillon National Park nesting seabird count. During this inventory, the highest number of nests (or individuals) identified by the two independent observers was selected. In the third dataset on the 2008 and 2016 surveys, nest counts are done by two independent observers, either directly from the boat or from photographs of cliff sections.

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