Distribution areas of terrestrial mammals, reptiles, reptiles, amphibians, and freshwater fish
The data represent the distribution of species of amphibians, reptiles, reptiles, terrestrial mammals and freshwater and migratory fish in Quebec. The files represent: amphibians: 21 reptile species: 17 species terrestrial mammals: 17 species terrestrial mammals: 69 species freshwater and migratory fish species: 118 species The ranges were established on the basis of various sources of information and validated by the Directorate of Expertise on Terrestrial Wildlife, Herpetofauna and Avifauna (DEFTHA) and the Directorate of Expertise on Aquatic Wildlife (DEFA) of the Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks (MFP). The ranges of species of freshwater and migratory fish are also illustrated in the “Freshwater Fish of Quebec” poster available here: https://mffp.gouv.qc.ca/wp-content/uploads/AF_poissons-eau-douce.pdf. Some ranges have changed slightly since they were included in the poster. There may be differences between the ranges of the species presented in the files and the current spatial distribution of the species. The ranges were produced on a small scale, they provide indicative information on the presence of the species in Quebec. The cards are the property of the MFFP. Atten: The ranges of marine mammals that frequent the coasts of the province of Quebec are not included in this dataset.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).
Made available by the Government and Municipalities of Québec
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- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Government and Municipalities of Québec
- Licence: Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution (CC-BY) licence – Quebec
Data and Resources
Amphibian rangesFGDB/GDBFrench dataset FGDB/GDB
Terrestrial mammal rangesFGDB/GDBFrench dataset FGDB/GDB
Reptile rangesFGDB/GDBFrench dataset FGDB/GDB
Freshwater fish distribution areasFGDB/GDBFrench dataset FGDB/GDB
Amphibian rangesGEOJSONFrench dataset GEOJSON
Terrestrial mammal rangesGEOJSONFrench dataset GEOJSON
Reptile rangesGEOJSONFrench dataset GEOJSON
Freshwater fish distribution areasGEOJSONFrench dataset GEOJSON
Amphibian rangesGPKGFrench dataset GPKG
Terrestrial mammal rangesGPKGFrench dataset GPKG
Reptile rangesGPKGFrench dataset GPKG
Freshwater fish distribution areasGPKGFrench dataset GPKG
Original metadata (https://www.donneesquebec.ca)HTMLFrench dataset HTML
Amphibian rangesSHPFrench dataset SHP
Terrestrial mammal rangesSHPFrench dataset SHP
Reptile rangesSHPFrench dataset SHP
Freshwater fish distribution areasSHPFrench dataset SHP
Amphibian rangesSQLITEFrench dataset SQLITE
Terrestrial mammal rangesSQLITEFrench dataset SQLITE
Reptile rangesSQLITEFrench dataset SQLITE
Freshwater fish distribution areasSQLITEFrench dataset SQLITE
Contact Information
Electronic Mail Address: services.clientele@mffp.gouv.qc.ca