Historical and actual Crops Small Area Data (SAD) Regions

Historical and actual Crops Small Area Data (SAD) Regions Small area data (SAD) on field crops show seeded and harvested area, yield and production estimates for most principal field crops and some special crops in Canada. Most SAD geographies correspond exactly with the Census Agriculture Region (CAR) limits, excepts for some regions of Quebec (where small areas are defined by provincial administrative boundaries), Saskatchewan (where small areas coincide with census divisions boundaries as of 2017) and British Columbia. For exact correspondence between Census Agricultural Regions (CAR) and Small Area Data (SAD) Regions, see the following link: https://www.statcan.gc.ca/eng/statistical-programs/document/3401_D2_V2 These regions are associated with Statistics Canada estimates on principal field crops available in the following table: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=3210000201 2022-03-02 Statistics Canada STATCAN.infostats-infostats.STATCAN@canada.ca AgricultureAgricultureBoundariesCropsValueMappingCartographic recordsMaps Historical and actual Small Area Data (SAD) Regions (English only)FGDB/GDB https://ftp.maps.canada.ca/pub/statcan_statcan/Agriculture_Agriculture/small-area-data-regions_regions-donnees-intra-provinciales/small_area_data_regions.gdb.zip Historical and actual Small Area Data (SAD) RegionsWMS https://maps-cartes.services.geo.ca/server2_serveur2/services/StatCan/small_area_data_regions_en/MapServer/WMSServer?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetCapabilities Historical and actual Small Area Data (SAD) RegionsWMS https://maps-cartes.services.geo.ca/server2_serveur2/services/StatCan/small_area_data_regions_fr/MapServer/WMSServer?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetCapabilities Historical and actual Small Area Data (SAD) RegionsESRI REST https://maps-cartes.services.geo.ca/server2_serveur2/rest/services/StatCan/small_area_data_regions_en/MapServer/0 Historical and actual Small Area Data (SAD) RegionsESRI REST https://maps-cartes.services.geo.ca/server2_serveur2/rest/services/StatCan/small_area_data_regions_fr/MapServer/0 Historical and actual Small Area Data (SAD) Regions (French)MXD https://ftp.maps.canada.ca/pub/statcan_statcan/Agriculture_Agriculture/small-area-data-regions_regions-donnees-intra-provinciales/small_area_data_regions_fr.mxd Historical and actual Small Area Data (SAD) Regions (English)MXD https://ftp.maps.canada.ca/pub/statcan_statcan/Agriculture_Agriculture/small-area-data-regions_regions-donnees-intra-provinciales/small_area_data_regions_en.mxd

Small area data (SAD) on field crops show seeded and harvested area, yield and production estimates for most principal field crops and some special crops in Canada. Most SAD geographies correspond exactly with the Census Agriculture Region (CAR) limits, excepts for some regions of Quebec (where small areas are defined by provincial administrative boundaries), Saskatchewan (where small areas coincide with census divisions boundaries as of 2017) and British Columbia.

For exact correspondence between Census Agricultural Regions (CAR) and Small Area Data (SAD) Regions, see the following link:


These regions are associated with Statistics Canada estimates on principal field crops available in the following table: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=3210000201

Data and Resources

Contact Information

Delivery Point: 150 Tunney's Pasture Driveways

City: Ottawa

Administrative Area: Ontario

Postal Code: K1A 0T6

Country: Canada (le)

Electronic Mail Address: STATCAN.infostats-infostats.STATCAN@canada.ca

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